Event details

Crises and age(ing) - lecture series "Navigating in uncertain times"

Lecture series "Navigating in uncertain times - social crises and their shaping" of the Master Management of Social Change and Master Social Gerontology in cooperation with the TRAWOS Institute

Begin 30. May 2024 - 16:15 Uhr
End 30. May 2024 - 17:45 Uhr

Campus Görlitz, G I (Blue Box), Room 3.02

Lecture series: Navigating in uncertain times - social crises and how to shape them

One crisis follows the next - we live in a permanent state of emergency. But what exactly does that mean? Can crises only be diagnosed and mitigated, but no longer overcome? Is stability an irredeemable wish? Do all attempts at control only create new problems? The lecture series presents different approaches and actors in dealing with social crises: from theoretical approaches to practical procedures and collegial search processes.

5. week 22/ 30.05.2024: "Crises and age(ing)"

Age and ageing are generally associated with just one megatrend of our time - demographic change towards an ageing society. The lecture aims to prove that age and ageing correlate with all the major transformation processes of the present.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoff, Institute Director GAT - Institute for Health, Ageing, Work and Technology, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

Moderation: Dr. Julia Gabler, TRAWOS Institute/HSZG

Your contact person

Photo: Dr. phil. Julia Gabler
Dr. phil.
Julia Gabler
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.21
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4264