Raj Kollmorgen discusses the political situation in Saxony after the state elections on September 1, 2024 with other guests.
Source: ARD
According to a SPIEGEL survey, the AfD is the strongest force in the eastern German states. Görlitz sociologist Raj Kollmorgen talks about the right-wing mood, the CDU's mistakes and Sahra Wagenknecht's chances.
Source: Spiegel
The AfD has long since ceased to be a party of the left-behind and is now being voted for across various social milieus. In Saxony, it is also now ahead in the poll results. Why is that? An analysis. With Raj Kollmorgen, among others.
Source: Leipziger Volkszeitung
Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen on crises, transformation and the after-effects of the GDR state character
Source: Freie Presse
For sociologist Raj Kollmorgen, the AfD is not the core problem in German politics
Source: Thüringer Allgemeine Zeitung
Prof. Nadine Jukschat in the podcast by Clemens Kießling and Julian Nejkow live in Görlitz on the topic of security and the police.
Source: Spotify
Sociologist Julia Gabler on Lusatia in transition: "A cultural trauma".
Source: MDR Kultur
Protests and attempted coups - democracies are under attack and can no longer be taken for granted. Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen looks at the question of how democracy could be rethought in order to involve more people.
Source: Deutschlandfunk
Another Christmas in crisis. What does this do to the East German
society, which has rarely experienced stability since 1989? Questions for the sociologist Raj Kollmorgen.
Source: Die Zeit
Women need prospects to stay in rural areas. Conference addresses opportunities and necessities in structural change. "Mobility concepts should focus more on the compatibility of family - kindergarten - school - local public transport," said Dr. Julia Gabler.
Source: Sächsische Zeitung
Rising prices, growing concerns: how can social cohesion succeed in these times? Master baker Roland Ermer (CDU), Raj Kollmorgen, sociologist at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Laura-Kristin Krause from the non-profit organization "More in Common" and Maximilian Stockhausen from the German Economic Institute.
Source: Deutschlandfunk
The AfD remains strong in the local elections in Saxony and still misses its target. And now? Questions for sociologist Raj Kollmorgen.
Source: Die Zeit
Eastern Germany has close historical and economic ties to Russia, but the war in Ukraine is changing everything. What threatens the region and its people? Prof. Raj Kollmorgen
Source: Tagesspiegel
Prof. Nadine Jukschat in the podcast by Julian Nejkow and Clemens Kießling - "As far as I know, this is immediate!"
Source: Spotify
Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen on the social upheavals in Saxony and their impact on voting behavior in the Bundestag elections.
Source: Freie Presse
In Saxony, the AfD wins ten of its 16 direct mandates and becomes the strongest force. What's going on in the state?" Answers from Raj Kollmorgen.
Source: Tagesspiegel
These results are an honest picture of the situation, says Raj Kollmorgen in an interview with Maria Fiedler.
Source: Tagesspiegel online
Corona vaccination rates are low in eastern Germany. A sociologist sees resistance to the shot as part of the protest culture." Raj Kollmorgen in the FAZ.
Source: FAZ
Source: Die Zeit
And can local politicians do better? Yes, says Görlitz sociologist Raj Kollmorgen.
Source: Sächsische Zeitung
Is there a connection between the coronavirus crisis in Saxony and the popularity of the AfD there? Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen believes the theory is plausible.
Source: Die Zeit online
Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen explains what age and little money have to do with the lower corona figures in Görlitz.
Source: Sächsische Zeitung, local edition Görlitz and Niesky
Prof. Dr. Ingolf Prosetzky in the radio podcast of MDR.de
Source: MDR Sachsenradio
he social scientist Raj Kollmorgen from the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences on accusations of arbitrariness, mistrust and fear of loss.
Source: LVZ
East Germans are supposedly coping better with the crisis because of their experience. Our author sees it differently." A guest article by Raj Kollmorgen.
Source: Thüringer Allgemeine
here is hardly anyone who knows the East Germans as well as sociologist Raj Kollmorgen. A conversation about Thuringia, the West and the lessons of these weeks.
Source: Die Zeit
Why East Germans often tick differently than West Germans, why many in the East still feel like second-class citizens - this is the subject of presenter Ruth Kirchner's interview with sociologist Raj Kollmorgen from the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences in Saxony.
Source: inforadio.de
Prof. Raj Kollmorgen (Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Professorship of Management of Social Change) and others discuss these and other questions in "Wortwechsel".
Source: Deutschlandfunk Kultur
According to Görlitz politics professor Raj Kollmorgen, it is primarily the CDU that will decide whether it or the AfD wins the state election in Saxony. The SPD is losing its grip and the Free Voters could make it into parliament, according to the expert. He takes a relaxed view of the mayoral election in Görlitz, where an AfD and a CDU candidate are in the run-off.
Source: LVZ
Horst Seehofer has put together a committee to accompany the celebrations to mark the 30th anniversary of reunification. The committee consists of 22 people from politics, culture and science, including social scientist Prof. Raj Kollmorgen.
Source: taz
Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen in conversation with MDR SACHSEN about structural change in Lusatia.
German-German narratives create identity. They never lose their impact.
The Friday of 15.4.2019 on the conference "Colony East? Aspects of 'Colonialization' in East Germany since 1990" of the Dresden Institute for Cultural Studies
Source: Der Freitag
A quota for management positions would help to counter the colonization feelings of the East, they say. Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen disagrees.
A guest article by Raj Kollmorgen
Source: Die Zeit Online
Is the East a colony of the West?, Mitteldeutsche Zeitung from April 11, 2019 on the conference "Colony East?" in Dresden.
Source: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
Freie Presse from 10.4.2019 on the conference "Colony East?" in Dresden
Source: Freie Presse
Thesis paper by Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen for the 14th Federal Congress of Political Education 2019 "What moves us. Emotions in politics and society", 07.-09.3.2019 in Leipzig,
Sociologist and East Germany expert Raj Kollmorgen on the parallels between today's situation and the Weimar Republic
Source: Thüringer Allgemeine
Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen at the East German Economic Forum on 9.11.2018 in Bad Sarrow
Source: youtube
Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen at the conference "Formats of the Political" of Deutschlandfunk, the Federal Agency for Civic Education and the Federal Press Conference on 08.11.2018 in Berlin
Source: Deutschlandfunk
Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen, sociologist, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences at the conference "Die neue Mitte? Right-wing ideologies and movements in Europe on 17-19.9.2018 at the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden
Source: youtube
Can someone who was not born in the GDR have an Eastern identity? It's possible, says sociologist Raj Kollmorgen in an interview
Source: taz
HuffPost Podcast by Marco Fieber - Episode 2: Interview with Dr. Julia Gabler on 23.06.2018
Source: huffingtonpost.de
More than 27 years after reunification, power and wealth are still concentrated in West Germany. East Germans are virtually unrepresented in key positions in the economy, sociologist Dr. Raj Kollmorgen is quoted as saying in Spiegel-Online 11/2018.
Source: Spiegel-Online
Where does our democratic system need to adapt to the demands for more participation? Elite researcher Raj Kollmorgen explains imbalances in the democratic process of our time on ZDF-Aspekte.
Source: ZDF-Aspekte
What is the truth of the "unification trauma" and the "dominance of West Germans as cultural colonialism"? Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen in conversation on Deutschlandfunk.
Source: Deutschlandfunk
Dr. Julia Gabler in an interview with Kulturzeit.
Source: 3sat
Görlitz sociologist Professor Raj Kollmorgen explains why many Saxons feel like second-class citizens and how this could change.
Source: Sächsische Zeitung
East Germans rarely make it into the elite. A sociologist in Görlitz is researching the reasons for this and the consequences of this underrepresentation. And is discovering some remarkable correlations.
Source: Spiegel-Online
Dr. Julia Gabler on the reasons why young women in particular leave the region and the conditions under which they would return.
Source: In Lusatia Magazine Winter 2017/18, p. 46/47
Why here in particular? In search of clues. By Susanne Sodan.
Source: Sächsische Zeitung
Why do East Germans so rarely make it to the top? And how can we help them? Questions for Raj Kollmorgen, who researches East German elites.
Interview: Martin Machowecz.
Source: Die Zeit
Cottbus. Village districts complain that their children cannot go to school together. By Peggy Kompalla.
Source: Lausitzer Rundschau
Raj Kollmorgen is Professor of Social Sciences at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The elite researcher has been working on the topics of inequality and social change for many years. He also researches the question of the proportion of East Germans in German elite structures.
Source: WDR
There are hardly any East Germans among the powerful in Germany. Why is that?
Source: Deutsche Welle
Katharina Schneier in Huffingtonpost
Source: huffingtonpost.com
The federal election has turned the political balance of power in Saxony upside down. The AfD became the strongest party in the second votes. Why is that? What effect did the CDU/CSU's latest succession plan have on people - and why? MDR SACHSEN asked elite researcher Raj Kollmorgen from Görlitz. The sociologist from the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences deals with social change in the East, social inequalities and political participation.
Source: mdr.de
Strongest party in Saxony, second strongest in the other eastern German states. The AfD's triumphant advance cannot be overlooked. But what makes it so attractive there?
By Gudula Hörr.
Source: ntv
There are numerous devastating reasons why the political situation in East Germany has remained different even in the 27th year of unification.
By Markus Decker
Source: Frankfurter Rundschau
Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen on the new desire to live in the country, problems with the sense of togetherness in the district and new economic ideas.
By Anja Beutler.
Source: Sächsische Zeitung
Large numbers of young women are still emigrating from the East. They also leave because men see them as a threat, says sociologist Julia Gabler in an interview with Martin Machowecz.
Source: Die Zeit
A study by the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences shows what needs to be done to attract well-trained people. The recipe is surprisingly simple.
Source: Sächsische Zeitung
Debate on Fakt ist! from Dresden with sociologist Raj Kollmorgen and others.
Source: MDR
SPIEGEL columnist Jan Fleischhauer identified the new enemy. artour author Tılman Jens met the clever mocker and also spoke to Prof. Raj Kollmorgen from the Görlitz-Zittau University of Applied Sciences about the problems in the East-West German psycho-balance.
Source: MDR Kultur
26 years after East Germans became German citizens, many still don't feel at home in a united Germany.
By Harald Lachmann
Source: Südwest Presse
Dr. Maik Hosang in conversation with Veronika Schuster.
Source: Journal Kultur und Management im Dialog, Weimar, No. 114/ 9
Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen and his work. Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen laments West Germany's "networks of power" and notes the wasted potential for innovation and creativity in this context.
Source: MDR Kultur
Why is it mostly smaller East German towns like Freital where right-wing violent criminals can organize themselves? An interview with sociologist Raj Kollmorgen.
By Martin Machowecz.
Source: Die Zeit
MONITOR interview with sociologist Raj Kollmorgen: Sociologist Raj Kollmorgen was born in Saxony and teaches at the Zittau-Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. He says: "Right-wing extremist movements have existed in the country for decades, played down by politics and society.
Source: Das Erste
Interview with Dr. Maik Hosang.
Source: agora 42, journal for economics and philosophy
Report on a research project: "What to do about the lack of women? The district of Görlitz has commissioned a study on the emigration of women - because it wants to stop this trend."
By Anja Beutler
Source: Sächsische Zeitung
Newspaper interview: "Unification was actually an accession": The German government writes on its website 25 years after reunification that "Aufbau Ost" has been a success. The figures speak a different language. But why? Political scientist Raj Kollmorgen investigates the reasons.
By Marguerite Meyer.
Source: sfr-online
Newspaper interview: Why always Saxony? Nowhere else in Germany are neo-Nazis and xenophobes so widespread. An attempt at an explanation.
By Christoph Dieckmann.
Source: Die Zeit No. 36/2015
Radio discussion program "From socialism to capitalism. Why Poland is thriving and Ukraine is stumbling" with Tanja Maljartschuk - Ukrainian writer, Vienna, Konrad Schuller - FAZ correspondent for Poland and Ukraine, Warsaw, moderator: Jürgen Heilig
Source: SWR