Consulting, Evaluation, Process Support

The TRAWOS-Institute accompanies the development of projects, initiatives and organisations within the framework of consulting, monitoring, evaluation and process support. In the sense of action research, this can extend to joint projects with civil society, administrative, political and economic partners, in the conception and course of which participation formats and knowledge transfer are central objects of investigation.


Centred consulting sessions on strategic development perspectives and operational design options for problem analyses, solution aspects and work processes in projects, initiatives and organisations enable the desired changes to be planned and implemented precisely.


The direct and systematic recording, measurement, observation or monitoring of development processes on the basis of target indicators in projects, initiatives and organisation allows for a prompt control of success and the sounding out of room for manoeuvre for readjustment in the course of their development.



In the context of project evaluations, whether formative in the process or summative in the result, it is just as important to assess impacts as it is to gain an impression of the quality of management tasks and provide impulses for internal learning processes in project teams.

Process Support

Development processes in projects, initiatives and organisations are accompanied selectively or in phases, and moderated feedback loops facilitate further development, including evaluation results and methodological guidance for solution-oriented change management.

Knowledge Transfer and social Interventions

In the context of cyclical research processes, new and open participation formats are developed and tested, which conceive the relationship between researchers and those being researched as relationships oriented towards joint action and reflection. (Citizen Since und action Research)

  • In-process evaluation of the project MUSIC HEROES of the district music school "Dreiländereck" (8/2016 - 11/2018), funded by the Drosos Foundation.
  • Görlitz District Office, Integration Department, for the development of the integration concept (2016-2017)
  • Politische Parteien und parteinahe Stiftungen u.a. SDP, CDU, Die Linke, Bündnis90/Die Grünen sowie Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
  • Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen u.a. DRK Görlitz, VdK Görlitz, Kühlhaus e.V., Café HotSpot, Aktionskreis für Görlitz e.V., Aktionsring Innenstadt Görlitz