Social innovations are social practices that address novel solutions in response to transformative processes in the economy and society, which are hardly or not at all taken into account solely through technical innovation perspectives. How they emerge and are experimentally implemented in all areas of (co)life, in business and work, education and politics, is being scientifically investigated from the research perspective of "real laboratories".
The TRAWOS-Institute investigates among other things:
Cultural and creative industries are becoming increasingly important both as an economic factor and as an attractor for demography and regional development. Both economic and social, cultural and ultimately ecological innovations, transformations and developments of a city or region increasingly depend on the existence of "creative atmospheres and milieus" or the so-called "creative class".
The TRAWOS-Institute deals with the following research questions:
Soziale und kulturelle Innovationen im nachhaltigen Strukturwandel der Lausitz (01/2023 - 12/2024)
BePart: Beteiligung und Partnerschaften im Strukturwandel. Soziale Innovationen in der Lausitz lebensweltlich durchdringen und handlungspraktisch stärken (10/2022 - 09/2025)
ATRAKTIV: Aufbau Transformativer Kapazitäten zur Aktivierung regionaler Innovationssysteme (11/2022 – 10/2025)
Die kreativen Herausforderungen offener Gesellschaften an ihren Rändern am Beispiel des Transformationsprozesses der Lausitz (04/2020 - 12/2022)
ENKOR - Engagementkonstellationen in ländlichen Räumen - ein Ost-West-Vergleich (05/2021 - 12/2024)
Ehrenamt und Umbruch: Geschlechts- und regionalspezifische Probleme zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements in Zeiten des Strukturwandels (09/2020 - 08/2021)