Cooperation Partners

Recent cooperation partners include


  • Free State of Saxony (State Chancellery, SMWK, etc.)
  • Görlitz District Office (district development, economy, social affairs, equality, etc.)
  • City administration of Görlitz (urban development, social affairs/youth, etc.)
  • Regional management of the LEADER regions (Eastern Upper Lusatia, Central Upper Lusatia)

Civil society actors in the region

  • Alliance Future Upper Lusatia (BZOL)
  • Second Attempt e.V.
  • VdK Social Association Görlitz
  • Kultur- und Weiterbildungsgesellschaft GmbH, Löbau
  • District music school "Dreiländereck"
  • KommWohnen GmbH, Görlitz
  • Action group for Görlitz e.V.
  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation
  • Görlitz Adult Education Center
  • Herrenhut Academy

Economy and trade associations/clubs

  • Kommwohnen Görlitz
  • Görlitz City Center Action Ring
  • Economic Initiative Lusatia
  • Zukunftswerkstatt Lausitz of Wirtschaftsregion Lausitz GmbH
  • ULT AG, Löbau

Science and research

  • Institute for Urban Future (FH Potsdam)
  • Interdisciplinary Centre for Ecological and Revitalizing Urban Redevelopment (ILZ) Görlitz
  • Institute for Regional Geography Leipzig (IfL)
  • Federal Association Williams-Beuren Syndrome e. V.
  • German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM)
  • Institute for Political Science at the University of Leipzig
  • Interdisciplinary Centre for Ecological and Revitalizing Urban Redevelopment Görlitz (IZS)

Information on strategy development with the district of Görlitz can be found here.