November conference 2011

"Regional development under pressure to act"

Regional framework conditions for innovation with a focus on resource sovereignty and innovation constellations

5th scientific conference on the connections between region and innovation of the research group "Hypertransformation - Opportunities and problems in the transformation process of structurally weak regions" at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences under the direction of Prof. Dr. Eckehard Binas on November 10, 2011.

Conference program

Theme block I: REGION and INNOVATION

The link between innovation and space is interaction, i.e. the distant exchange of material and immaterial resources between the innovation actors (Knut Koschatzky, Leibnitz University Hanover).

In a time of accelerated transformation processes, the question arises as to how change is experienced and perceived - as destruction, threat and decay, or also as an opportunity, gain and space for something new. How and by whom is the scope of what cannot be changed and what is in one's own hands interpreted, negotiated and determined? What conditions and formats are conducive to self-determined design and setting one's own accents? What makes a region strong so that innovations can emerge in it?

Thematic block II: REGION and RESOURCES

Paradoxically, the sustainable competitive advantages of a global economy increasingly lie in local conditions - knowledge, relationships, motivation - with which more distant rivals cannot compete (Michael Porter, Harvard Business School).

In addition to "hard" factors such as natural resources, infrastructure, financial capital and traditional companies, "soft" resources such as creativity, the ability to participate, environmental compatibility and networks are also becoming increasingly important for regional development. Based on the model of a "new culture of (regional) self-organization", shared ideas, a common will and the ability of stakeholders to cooperate appear to be important resources. What research, what good examples are there? What deficits or blockages hinder the development of regional potential?