Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Raj Kollmorgen
Stellvertretender Institutsdirektor
Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Raj Kollmorgen
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.17
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4259

At the HSZG

  • Faculty of Social Sciences
    Area of appointment: Sociology/Management of Social Change
  • since March 2020 Vice-Rector Research

Research areas

  • Theory and empiricism of social change processes (post-socialist transformation, modernization, revolution and reform, innovation, etc.)
  • Political sociology of social inequalities (stratification and classes, elites, minorities, gender, recognition and disregard, welfare regimes, social participation, etc.) as well as political radicalisms and populisms
  • Social development and regional structural change in peripheral, rural areas
  • Empirical focus: East-Central and Eastern European societies, East Germany and German unification

Current research projects (project management) at TRAWOS

Employees and assistants in current research projects at TRAWOS

  • Mara Börjesson, B.A. (research assistant)
  • Raffael Hermann, B.A. (research assistant)
  • Sarah Lampe, B.A. (research assistant)
  • Susanne Lerche, M.A. (research assistant)
  • Leonie Liemich, M.A. (research assistant)
  • Marie Melzer, B.A. (project assistant)
  • Bernadette Rohlf, M.A. (research assistant)
  • Jan Schaller, M.A. (research assistant)
  • Renke Scholz, B.A. (research assistant)
  • Sophie Seelinger, B.A. (research assistant)

Current research projects (third-party funded projects) at the HSZG

  • 2024-2026
    Research and transfer project "Zielona Przyszłość Pogranicza/ Green Future of the Border Region", at ZIT, joint project together with Karkonoska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. (lead partner) and TGZ Bautzen, co-applicant/co-project leader (at HSZG together with Prof. S. Scholz), funded by the EU, total volume 950,000 euros (HSZG share: 550,000 euros). with Prof. S. Scholz), funded by the EU as part of ERDF funding, total volume 950,000 euros (HSZG share: 550,000 euros), staff at the HSZG: Ms. C. Kuhrig, Ms. B. Benesch-Jenkner.
  • 2023-2027
    Research and transfer joint project Saxony5 2.0 (Sustained University Grid): at ZIT, co-applicant/overall project manager for the HSZG, joint project with the other 4 universities of applied sciences in Saxony under the leadership of HTW Dresden, funded by the BMBF as part of the "Innovative University" program, funding volume for the HSZG: approx. 2.5 million euros.
  • 2023-2027
    Sub-projects: (1) location management, (2) science communication, (3) transfer management as part of the joint project "Saxony5 2.0": at ZIT, applicant/project manager, funded by the BMBF, funding volume: approx. 750,000 euros, employees: Martin Kunack, Kristin Sprechert, Jan Marek.
  • 2023-2025
    Innovation management practice project in the joint project Lausitz Life & Technology: at ZIT, applicant/project manager, funded by the BMBF, funding volume: approx. 180,000 euros, staff: Birgit Benesch-Jenkner/Nadja Busch, Link:

  • 2022-2025
    Research and transfer joint project Lausitz Life & Technology: at ZIT, co-applicant/overall project manager for the HSZG and the consortium, joint project together with ULT Löbau, IWU Zittau and the district of Görlitz, funded by the BMBF as part of the "WIR" program, total funding volume 2022-2025: approx. 4 million euros (including investment funds).
  • 2022-2025
    Practice and research project L& T Strategy, sustainability and transfer analysis (strategy development project) in the joint project Lausitz Life & Technology: at ZIT, applicant/project manager, funded by the BMBF, funding volume: approx. 400,000 euros, employees: Leonie Liemich, Sven Müller, Lucas Stöckmann.
  • 2022-2025
    Practical project Enterprise Europe Network Saxonyat ZIT, joint project under the lead partner AGIL Leipzig, sub-project manager for the HSZG, funded by the EU/Free State of Saxony, funding volume: approx. 160,000 euros, employees: N.N.

Doctoral candidates in ongoing proceedings

  • Cornelia Müller, M.A. (in History); topic: "Fire and firefighting in the 18th and 19th centuries using the example of the Upper Lusatian towns of Bautzen, Görlitz and Löbau" (since 2019, supervision together with Prof. S. Rau, University of Erfurt)
  • Sinziana Schönfelder, Dipl.-Sozialwiss. (in History); topic: "Understanding that history is in God's hands" - On the role of religion in the transformation process in Romania from the 1989 revolution to EU accession in 2007" (since 2019, supervision together with Prof. F.-L. Kroll, TU Chemnitz)
  • Jan Schaller, M.A. (in Political Science); Topic: "Power configurations within the European migration regime: hotspots as places of (informal) negotiation?" (since 2020, supervision together with Prof. Helen Schwenken, University of Osnabrück)
  • Johannes Böhnlein, M.A. (in Political Science); Topic: "Path dependency of informal institutions and quality of democracy in Central Eastern Europe" (since 2020, supervision together with Prof. Joachim Lauth, University of Würzburg)
  • Ms. Susanne Lerche, MA (in Sociology); topic: "Women as initiators of civic engagement in Lusatia" (since 2023, supervision together with Prof. Alexandra Retkowski, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg),

Important recent publications

Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds./2024): Distant elites. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer(

Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds./2024): Ways out of underrepresentation: résumé and socio-political recommendations for action. In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds.): Distant elites. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer: i.E.(

Kollmorgen, Raj (2024): The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background in the elites. An introduction In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds.): Ferne Eliten. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer: i.E.(

Kollmorgen, Raj (2024): Right-wing populism in the East German federal states. An attempt at interpretation from a historical-sociological perspective. In: Ströbele, Christian/ Karakaya, Erdogan/Omerika, Armina/Zemmrich, Eckhard (eds.): Rechtspopulismus und Religion : Herausforderungen für Christentum und Islam. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet: 131-164.

Venjakob, Johannes/Kurwan, Jenny/Roelfes, Michaela/Wehnert, Timon/Beutel, Jannis/Schepelmann, Philipp/Schostock, Dorothea/Hartmann, Kyra/Merkelbach, Julia/Will, Markus/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kremer, Anna/Ragnitz, Joachim (2023): Sustainable municipal development in structural change. Dessau: Federal Environment Agency (online publication:

Kollmorgen, Raj (2022): Radical rights as an East German problem? On the long cultural and social history of right-wing populism in East Germany. In: ApuZ, Issue 49-50/2022: 33-38(, last accessed on 05.01.2023).

Kollmorgen, Raj (2022): East German identity(ies)? In: BpB dossier "Lange Wege der Deutschen Einheit. Zukunft der Transformation" (online publication:, last accessed on 24.07.2022).

Enders, Judith/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kowalczuk, Ilko-Sascha (eds./2021): Germany is one: many things. Balance and perspectives of unification and transformation. Frankfurt/M./New York: Campus (to be published in September).

Schütz, Johannes/ Kollmorgen, Raj/Schäller, Steven (eds./2021): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al.: Böhlau.

Schütz, Johannes/ Kollmorgen, Raj/Schäller, Steven (2021): Introduction. On complex challenges and challenging observations In: This (ed.): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al: Böhlau: 11-24.

Kollmorgen, Raj (2021): Right-wing populism in East Germany. Seven theses on its formation, attractiveness and characteristics from a historical-sociological perspective. In: Schütz, Johannes/ Kollmorgen, Raj/Schäller, Steven (eds.): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al.: Böhlau: 159-188.

Schütz, Johannes/ Kollmorgen, Raj/Schäller, Steven (2021): Contested Center in the Crises of the Present. In: This (ed.): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al: Böhlau: 405-438.

Kollmorgen, Raj (2021). Equality in the queue? From concept criticism to political opportunities for action: In. Apelt, Andreas H./Regente, Vincent (eds.): Equivalent living conditions! Successes, deficits and setting the course for the future. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag: 43-56.

Kollmorgen, Raj (2021): Karl Marx's proletarian concept of revolution - and its reversal by Lenin? In: Kroll, Frank-Lothar/Schönfelder, Andreas (eds.): World Turning Point 1917 - Russia, Europe and the Bolshevik Revolution. Herrnhut: Publishing house of the Herrnhut Academy: 61-91.

Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): An unexpected renaissance? On the recent history of transformation and unification research. In: Böick, Marcus/Goschler, Constantin/Jessen, Ralph (eds.): Yearbook German Unity 2020. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag: 46-72.

Kollmorgen, Raj/Haag, Hanna (2020): Democracy needs women democrats. A study on the participation and career opportunities of women in political parties and trade unions. Berlin/Bonn: FES (online publication).

Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): Regional elites in East Germany? In: Becker, Sören/Naumann, Matthias (eds.): Regional Development in East Germany. Dynamics, perspectives and the contribution of human geography. Berlin: Springer Spektrum: 31-42.

Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): Between exchange and marginalization: East Germans in the elites after unification. BpB-online (Dossier,

Kollmorgen, Raj/Treffkorn, Katrin (2019): At a lost post? Social innovations in peripheral rural areas. A case study on Upper Lusatia. In: Thomas, Michael/Busch, Ulrich (eds.): Transformation in the current context. Opportunities - ambivalences - blockades. Berlin: trafo Wissenschaftsverlag: 175-204.

Kollmorgen, Raj/Will, Markus (2019): Multiple couplings: Conceptual Reflections on the Social Dimensions of the Energy Revolution. In: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (ed.): Oberlausitzer Energiesymposium & Zittau Energieseminar. Sector coupling - a challenge (conference proceedings). Zittau: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences: 25-30.

Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds./2019): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press.

Kollmorgen, Raj (2019): 'Exit West'. Five theses on the history of (East) German transformation research, in: Zeitgeschichte-online, March 2019, URL:

Kollmorgen, Raj (2018): Theoretical Approaches to Post-communist Transformations in Europe. In: Vihalemm, P/Masso, A./Oppermann, S. (Eds.): The Routledge International Handbook of European Social Transformations. Abingdon/New York: Routledge: 23-45.

Completed research projects at TRAWOS