ATRAKTIV - Building Transformative Capacities to Activate Regional Innovation Systems (11/2022 - 10/2025)
Elitenmonitor - Personal underrepresentation of East Germans in central leadership positions: Development over time, mechanisms, options for action (08/2022 - 07/2025)
Innovation management practice project in the joint project Lausitz Life & Technology: at ZIT, applicant/project manager, funded by the BMBF, funding volume: approx. 180,000 euros, staff: Birgit Benesch-Jenkner/Nadja Busch, Link:
Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds./2024): Distant elites. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer(
Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds./2024): Ways out of underrepresentation: résumé and socio-political recommendations for action. In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds.): Distant elites. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer: i.E.(
Kollmorgen, Raj (2024): The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background in the elites. An introduction In: Kollmorgen, Raj/Vogel, Lars/Zajak, Sabrina (eds.): Ferne Eliten. The underrepresentation of East Germans and people with a migration background. Wiesbaden: Springer: i.E.(
Kollmorgen, Raj (2024): Right-wing populism in the East German federal states. An attempt at interpretation from a historical-sociological perspective. In: Ströbele, Christian/ Karakaya, Erdogan/Omerika, Armina/Zemmrich, Eckhard (eds.): Rechtspopulismus und Religion : Herausforderungen für Christentum und Islam. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet: 131-164.
Venjakob, Johannes/Kurwan, Jenny/Roelfes, Michaela/Wehnert, Timon/Beutel, Jannis/Schepelmann, Philipp/Schostock, Dorothea/Hartmann, Kyra/Merkelbach, Julia/Will, Markus/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kremer, Anna/Ragnitz, Joachim (2023): Sustainable municipal development in structural change. Dessau: Federal Environment Agency (online publication:
Kollmorgen, Raj (2022): Radical rights as an East German problem? On the long cultural and social history of right-wing populism in East Germany. In: ApuZ, Issue 49-50/2022: 33-38(, last accessed on 05.01.2023).
Kollmorgen, Raj (2022): East German identity(ies)? In: BpB dossier "Lange Wege der Deutschen Einheit. Zukunft der Transformation" (online publication:, last accessed on 24.07.2022).
Enders, Judith/Kollmorgen, Raj/Kowalczuk, Ilko-Sascha (eds./2021): Germany is one: many things. Balance and perspectives of unification and transformation. Frankfurt/M./New York: Campus (to be published in September).
Schütz, Johannes/ Kollmorgen, Raj/Schäller, Steven (eds./2021): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al.: Böhlau.
Schütz, Johannes/ Kollmorgen, Raj/Schäller, Steven (2021): Introduction. On complex challenges and challenging observations In: This (ed.): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al: Böhlau: 11-24.
Kollmorgen, Raj (2021): Right-wing populism in East Germany. Seven theses on its formation, attractiveness and characteristics from a historical-sociological perspective. In: Schütz, Johannes/ Kollmorgen, Raj/Schäller, Steven (eds.): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al.: Böhlau: 159-188.
Schütz, Johannes/ Kollmorgen, Raj/Schäller, Steven (2021): Contested Center in the Crises of the Present. In: This (ed.): The new center? Ideology and Practice of the Populist and Extreme Right (Schriften des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums 14). Weimar et al: Böhlau: 405-438.
Kollmorgen, Raj (2021). Equality in the queue? From concept criticism to political opportunities for action: In. Apelt, Andreas H./Regente, Vincent (eds.): Equivalent living conditions! Successes, deficits and setting the course for the future. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag: 43-56.
Kollmorgen, Raj (2021): Karl Marx's proletarian concept of revolution - and its reversal by Lenin? In: Kroll, Frank-Lothar/Schönfelder, Andreas (eds.): World Turning Point 1917 - Russia, Europe and the Bolshevik Revolution. Herrnhut: Publishing house of the Herrnhut Academy: 61-91.
Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): An unexpected renaissance? On the recent history of transformation and unification research. In: Böick, Marcus/Goschler, Constantin/Jessen, Ralph (eds.): Yearbook German Unity 2020. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag: 46-72.
Kollmorgen, Raj/Haag, Hanna (2020): Democracy needs women democrats. A study on the participation and career opportunities of women in political parties and trade unions. Berlin/Bonn: FES (online publication).
Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): Regional elites in East Germany? In: Becker, Sören/Naumann, Matthias (eds.): Regional Development in East Germany. Dynamics, perspectives and the contribution of human geography. Berlin: Springer Spektrum: 31-42.
Kollmorgen, Raj (2020): Between exchange and marginalization: East Germans in the elites after unification. BpB-online (Dossier,
Kollmorgen, Raj/Treffkorn, Katrin (2019): At a lost post? Social innovations in peripheral rural areas. A case study on Upper Lusatia. In: Thomas, Michael/Busch, Ulrich (eds.): Transformation in the current context. Opportunities - ambivalences - blockades. Berlin: trafo Wissenschaftsverlag: 175-204.
Kollmorgen, Raj/Will, Markus (2019): Multiple couplings: Conceptual Reflections on the Social Dimensions of the Energy Revolution. In: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (ed.): Oberlausitzer Energiesymposium & Zittau Energieseminar. Sector coupling - a challenge (conference proceedings). Zittau: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences: 25-30.
Merkel, Wolfgang/Kollmorgen, Raj/Wagener, Hans-Jürgen (Eds./2019): Handbook of Political, Social, and Economic Transformation. Oxford et al.: Oxford University Press.
Kollmorgen, Raj (2019): 'Exit West'. Five theses on the history of (East) German transformation research, in: Zeitgeschichte-online, March 2019, URL:
Kollmorgen, Raj (2018): Theoretical Approaches to Post-communist Transformations in Europe. In: Vihalemm, P/Masso, A./Oppermann, S. (Eds.): The Routledge International Handbook of European Social Transformations. Abingdon/New York: Routledge: 23-45.