The starting point of the research and practical project is the twofold question: "Why do qualified young women (not) stay in Upper Lusatia?". In the last two decades, a disproportionate number of young women have emigrated from the district and region of Upper Lusatia. This emigration not only accelerates the ageing of the population, but also weakens the economic, political and cultural development potential of the region. Against this background, the project aims on the one hand to investigate which factors (can) contribute to the fact that some young and above all highly qualified women do not leave the region but (want to) stay. On the other hand, and parallel to the analysis, those affected and those responsible are to be brought into conversation with each other and networked in their activities in order to sound out and implement ways of improving the opportunities for young, qualified women to stay.
Obviously, the chances of young people (aged 16-35) staying in the district of Görlitz are relatively low. Many young men and women migrate to other regions either permanently or for a longer period of time. According to the initial project results, they migrate primarily due to unattractive training and study opportunities, as a result of relatively poor employment and career prospects. This so-called educational migration is typical for this age group. In private and public discourse, emigration and the willingness to emigrate from the district and the Upper Lusatia region appears to be 'normality'. At the same time, the young women and men surveyed have a conspicuous tendency to stay, at over 30%. The desire to stay in the district is obviously corrected in the course of life by the decision to leave.
Findings from the first project period show that the employment and career opportunities of young women in the district of Görlitz have only improved in narrow segments of the labor market - especially after successfully completing education and starting a career, i.e. in the 25-35 age group. Highly qualified young women with degrees in the social sciences and humanities in particular see themselves as a little-noticed group that has to deal with emigration despite their willingness to stay.
During the current project period, a detailed evaluation of the quantitative surveys of pupils in the district and students at the university as well as qualitative data on the rural living environments of qualified women will be carried out. In focus workshops, the political and administrative actors will work together with civil society, cultural and economic actors to develop strategies to improve the opportunities for qualified women in particular to remain in the district of Görlitz. In order to promote the exchange of women in the region and beyond, the project staff invite women from the district of Görlitz to get to know each other and increase their visibility as part of a networking event. In close cooperation with the district's equal opportunities officer, we are planning events and workshops based on the needs for qualifications, career prospects and networks in specific life situations. A specially developed website will continue the analog exchange, provide information and, as a digital platform, also address potential immigrants and returnees.
The project sponsor of the research project is the district of Görlitz, represented by the Equal Opportunities Officer, Ms. Ines Fabisch. The project is managed and administered by the TRAWOS Institute of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The Free State of Saxony (Saxon State Chancellery) is funding the project as part of the demography funding guideline.
30 multipliers from business, politics, education, human resources development, administration and research accepted our invitation to the second research workshop "Life in Upper Lusatia - living environments of qualified women" on 5 September 2016 in Boxberg. Summary of the event
Press conference on the publication of the study "Who's coming? Who is leaving? Who stays?"
on 24.03.2017 in the Görlitz district office
Summary of the 2nd research workshop "Lifeworlds of qualified women in the district of Görlitz
on 05.09.2016 in Boxberg
Invitation to the 2nd workshop "How people live: Lebenswelten von qualifizierten Frauen im Landkreis Görlitz"
on 05.09.2016 in Boxberg
Summary of the research workshop "Who is coming? Who is leaving? Who stays? "
on 30.05.2016 in Löbau
Minutes of the workshop "Stay. Understand. Recognize"
on 17.12.2015 in Görlitz
District Office Görlitz
Ines Fabisch
Equal Opportunities Officer
of the district of Görlitz
Bahnhofstraße 24,
02826 Görlitz
Phone: +49 (0)3581 663-9009
The project in the FIS (Research Information System of the HSZG)