Representation of the Professorship for Gender, Diversity and Social Inequality in Social Work.
Also at the Faculty of Social Sciences:
from 04/2022 to 10/2023 research assistant in gender and diversity research.
As part of the Women Professors Programme III (2021-2026), the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is funding various gender-sensitive organizational development measures (such as gender-sensitive job advertisements, appointment procedures, public relations work, further training courses, etc.) and a research assistant position:
In this context, Monique Ritter is researching the career paths of women* and diverse* people in the engineering - male-dominated* - degree programs at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences from a queer-feminist intersectional perspective. Although there is a nationwide gender imbalance in STEM and, more specifically, engineering degree programs (cf. Haffner/Loge 2019), the proportion of students registered as female in engineering degree courses (such as computer science, mechanical/process engineering, electrical engineering) at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is between 7 and 15 % (measured by enrolments in the winter semester 2021 and 2022) and thus well below the national average of 16.3 to 22.9 % in these fields of study (Anger/Kohlisch/Plünnecke 2021).
In this research paper, Monique Ritter analyses the organizational and location-related conditions that promote a career of the named groups of people at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences - also and especially as a university located in the rural area of (Upper) Lusatia, where a high proportion of well-qualified women* leave the region after graduating from high school for studies and training as well as later employment (cf. Gabler/Kollmorgen/Kottwitz 2016). This study examines the question of what study and working conditions highly qualified women* and diverse* people encounter when they decide to study and work at a regional university. The career path is understood to be the academic career from Bachelor's to Master's studies to a possible doctorate and post-doc phase to a professorship.
As part of this research, guideline-based, problem-centered interviews (Witzel 2000) are conducted with women* and diverse* people and evaluated using open coding according to Strauss and Corbin (1996). Finally, context-related recommendations for action for a transformative, less discriminatory practice - on the career paths of women* and diverse* people in the STEM disciplines at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences - are to be derived.
In terms of transformative research practice, this research project is closely interlinked with the Center for Gender Equality, Inclusion, Women's and Diversity Research ( AGIFD) at the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences. The (interim) results and expertise developed are fed back to the AGIFD in such a way that they are linked to the perspectives of the participating university members and take up their articulated needs. The aim is to interlink research and practice in a sustainable and participatory manner so that theory- and research-led impulses for gender- and diversity-sensitive university development meet with acceptance and understanding in a first step and can be implemented in a second step.
This office, founded in 2022 by Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Raj Kollmorgen and developed and designed in collaboration with Dr. Monique Ritter, is dedicated to the university-wide task of making questions, challenges and needs regarding gender equality and diversity policy at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences and the (Upper) Lusatia region visible, discussing them and working together on ideas and solutions. It brings together the perspectives and expertise of research, teaching and administrative staff, various representatives, students and the university management. Cooperation with structurally disadvantaged groups of people is always addressed and implemented as far as possible. The AGIFD pursues the programmatic goal of enabling non-discriminatory structures and equal participation of all students and employees.
Center for Gender Equality, Inclusion, Women's and Diversity Research (AGIFD) at the HSZG, Spokesperson
Ritter, Monique/Reimer, Julia/Schmitt, Rudolf (2024). Development of doctoral studies after 'FH degree'. A review and current observations. In: Katharina Gosse/Christian Bleck/Christoph Gille/Anne van Rießen: Promovieren in und für die Soziale Arbeit: Erfahrungen aus Nordrhein-Westfalen. Beltz Juventa, 117-131.
Ritter, Monique (forthcoming, 2024). The simultaneity of knowledge (production) and situatedness - Emotional involvement and positioning as 'windows of insight' using the example of a reflexive grounded theory study in the context of racism criticism. In: Psychology & Social Criticism.
Ritter, Monique (forthcoming, 2024). "We never want to work with a woman in a headscarf" - Racism in geriatric nursing. In: Die Schwester/Der Pfleger 8 (2024), 1-4.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Intersectionality [online]. socialnet Lexikon. Bonn: socialnet, 11.07.2024. Available at:
Haist, Joshua/Kurth, Philipp/Lau, Annica/Ritter, Monique/Hofmann, Samuel (2024). Work, private, self - towards an integrative framework of accountability: the case of low-status expatriates in precarious employment. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-32.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Racism in nursing: "I'm actually open-minded, but ...". In: Social Economy 2024 (3), 32-34. DOI: 10.5771/1613-0707-2024-3-32
Ritter, Monique/Rohlf, Bernadette/Lerche, Susanne (2024). Gender equality in academia? Inequalities in dealing with sexist practices in STEM subjects. In: Femina Politica - Journal for Feminist Political Science 1, 92-101.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Diversity-sensitive approaches in social work: critically reflective and informed by power theory. In: TUP Theory and Practice of Social Work 75 (1), 23-30.
Ritter, Monique (2024). "Und dann sie zittert schon" - (Hyper-)sexualization as an experience of racism among Black geriatric nurses. In: Anne Lisa Carstensen/Peter Birke/Nikolai Huke/Lisa Riedner (eds.): Geteilte Arbeitswelten. Conflicts over migration and work. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa, 220-239.
Ritter, Monique/Jänsch, Marlene (2024). Older people and everyday racism: Empirical perspectives in contexts of social work with the elderly. In: Ayça Polat/Abigail M. Joseph-Magwood/ (eds.): Alltagsrassismus. Introduction for educational practice and social work. Kohlhammer, 125-135.
Ritter, Monique/Reimer, Julia (2024). Process-accompanying evaluation of the Research Training Group "Professionalization of the Health and Social Professions in the Context of Social Transformation Processes". Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Faculty 4), unpublished manuscript.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Racism and elderly care in East Germany. On discomfort in professional cooperation with migrants. Bielefeld: transcript. Open Access.
Ritter, Monique (2023). Challenges for immigrant care workers. In: Federal Agency for Civic Education. Read.
Ritter, Monique/Jänsch, Marlene (2023). #Transcategorial: Critique of racism (in) social work with older people in the neighborhood - An appeal from and to practice. In: Boris Friele et al. (eds.): Social work and social transformation between exclusion and inclusion. Analyses and perspectives. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 149-168. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-41471-9_11.
Ritter, Monique (2023). Accentuations of racism-critical perspectives for social work (not only) in the context of 'East Germany' - An insight into another history. In: Mandy Schulze/Peter-Georg Albrecht/Julia Hille (eds.): Genese Ost: Transformations der Sozialen Arbeit. Opladen et al: Barbara Budrich. Read.
Ritter, Monique (2023). Nursing Shortage and Migration: Insights into the Current Situation in the Federal State of Saxony, Germany. In: Tudásmenedzsment 24 (4, special issue), 31-45. DOI: 10.15170/TM.2023.24.K4.3. Read.
Ritter, Monique (2023). Review of: Wahren, Juliane (2022). Social work with women affected by violence. Explanatory models, interventions and cooperation. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag. In: Clinical social work 19 (3), 15-16.
Ritter, Monique (2022). Criticism of racism as a mission of social (geriatric) work? On the field of action of tomorrow's care. In: Journal for social and socially related fields 7, pp. 242-249. DOI: 10.5771/0490-1606-2022-7-24
Ritter, Monique (2021). Challenging the Problematization of Labour Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees in East Germany: New Perspectives and Mandates for Social Work. In: The Journal Sociální práce / Sociálna práca / Czech and Slovak Social Work, 1, 105-109.
Ritter, Monique (2020). "So, every day is something!" - Or the camouflaged ubiquity of racist exclusion practices in nursing training. In: Migration and Social Work, 3, 251-259.
Ritter, Monique (2020). Migrants - the care workers of tomorrow? An investigation using the example of home care in East Saxony. In: Leaves of welfare care, 167 (1), 7-9.
Ritter, M. (2019). "I'm actually open-minded, but..." - On the reconstruction of practices of manifest exclusion and paths to inclusion in professional cooperation with people with a migration background in outpatient care. A qualitative study in eastern Saxony. Available at:
Ritter, M. (2019). "Well, as long as it's not a black person". - A grounded theory study on practices of exclusion and inclusion in cooperation with people with a migration background in outpatient care in East Saxony. Available at:
Ritter, Monique (2019). Review of: Ammann, Birgit/ Kirndörfer, Elisabeth (2018): Young people in the context of migration and post-migration. Between a sense of home and everyday discrimination. Weinheim Basel: Beltz Juventa. In: Migration and Social Work, 4/2019.
Ritter, M. (2018). Intercultural Experience - A study on the effects of stays abroad using the example of project work in Khamlia, Morocco. University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz. Available at:
Ritter, Monique (2024). If it weren't for the small but significant "but" - (East German?!) racism in geriatric care. Adult education center Dreiländereck, Zittau, 16.10.2024.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Racism in nursing care. Lecture series the "Sprechstunde". Heinrich Heine University and the University Hospital Düsseldorf. 02.07.2024.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Immigration Meets Racism: Insights into non-/cooperation with immigrants in elderly care in the context of East Germany. Geographical Institute of the Humboldt University Berlin, 11.06.2024.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Refugees in Domiciliary Care in East Germany:
New Perspectives and Mandates. Interdisciplinary Online Lecture Series. Care beyond borders: Exploring impacts of migration, displacement and inclusion for the care and nursing sector. Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, 06.06.2024.
Ritter, Monique/Ulbrich, Sophie (2024). Gender- and diversity-sensitive teaching: Insight. Teaching Day, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, 15.05.2024.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Gender perspectives for and on the housing and real estate industry. Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, Zittau, 06.05.2024.
Ritter, Monique/Jänsch, Marlene (2024). Neighborhood work for everyone! On the transformation of racialized socio-spatial-categorical exclusion. Annual conference of the German Society for Social Work, Ernst Abbe University, Jena, 26-27.04.2024.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Gender-related follow-up perspectives on "Racism and elderly care in East Germany". Section meeting Gender and Queer Studies, UAS Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, 15-16.03.2024
Ritter, Monique (2024). "Will you please get in the car and stay there" - Racism criticism: (K)ein Thema für die Altenpflege?! International Annual Conference of the Commission for Organizational Pedagogy "Organization and (In)Justice" at htw Saar, Saarbrücken, 29.02.-01.03.2024.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Older people and everyday racism: Empirical perspectives in contexts of social work with the elderly. In: Lecture series "Erkenntnis und Kritik - Pädagogische Professionalität und Migrationsgesellschaftsforschung" (Master) by Ayça Polat, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, 24.01.2024.
17-18.11.2023 Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, November conference of the TRAWOS Institute
Title: Intersectional Perspectives and Critique of Racism.
27-28.10.2023 Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin,
Title: Von der Promotion als doppelter Herzensangelegenheit und einem (doch nicht) luftleeren Raum.
Colloquium for doctoral candidates and those interested in doctoral studies in social work with a FH/HAW degree, in cooperation with the DGSA doctoral support group/Promotionskolloquium Berlin.
13.06.2023 Heinrich Heine University and University Hospital Düsseldorf
Title: 'Language' as a placeholder for the de-thematization of economized and racialized - normalized - routines. Expert workshop "Culturally sensitive communication in pediatric oncology (KuseKiO)".
04.-05.05.2023 Institute for Employment Research and DeZIM Research Association, Nuremberg
Title: On the impact of gender-specific racialized attributions to Black and People of Color in elderly care. 4th Networking Meeting "Workshop on Gender and Migration" Scholarship for travel and accommodation costs.
14.06.2023 Senior*innen-Akademie Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Zittau
Title: Cultural sensitivity and migration: The difficulty of not being racist.
15.02.2023 TRAWOS Institute Görlitz with Bernadette Rohlf
Title: On the (self-)understanding of gender research at the HSZG.
07.12.2022 Public digital lecture series on culturally sensitive communication in healthcare at Heinrich Heine University and Düsseldorf University Hospital
Title: "I'm actually open-minded, but..." - Empirical perspectives on everyday racism in the context of elderly care.
15.12.2022 Inter-university online lecture series of the "Teaching" working group of the Social Work in the Contexts of Age(ing) department with Marlene Jänsch
Title: "Die wischen die Tische nicht richtig ab" - Rassismuskritische Perspektiven in der Quartiersarbeit mit älteren Menschen.
28-30.09.2022 TU Chemnitz, 4th Conference of the Refugee Research Network
Title: "That's a lot of extra work!" - Occupational exclusion in the context of economization and racialization
07.06.2022 Kick-off event of the Center for Gender Equality, Inclusion, Women's and Diversity Studies. Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
Title: Suggestions for gender and diversity-oriented university development.
15-17.06.2022 Ritter, Monique/Jänsch, Marlene - 22nd International Conference of Migration on 'Multicultural Conviviality' and 'Current Challenges in the Context of Migration', Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines / Université de Luxembourg, Dudelange/Luxembourg
Title: Combating Everyday Racism in Community Social Work Through an Antiracist Perspective
29-30.04.2022 Conference of the German Society for Social Work, Wiesbaden Annual Conference of the DGSA
Title: On the Decolonization of Intercultural Competence as a 'Key Qualification' in Social Work - For a Critical Perspective.
Title: Skills shortage and migration: Racism-critical organizational development in the district of Görlitz.
20.11.2021 Ritter, Monique/Jänsch, Marlene - Online-Tagung Soziale Arbeit und gesellschaftliche Transformation zwischen Exklusion und Inklusion, IU Internationale Hochschule Frankfurt
Title: Rassismuskritik und Soziale Arbeit mit älteren Menschen im Stadtteil.
07 - 08.10.2021 Interdisciplinary conference as part of the program Arbeitsmarktmentoren Sachsen, Dresden
Title: "Labor market integration and racism."
13-15.05.2021 Final conference of NFG 16 of the Hans Böckler Foundation "Bildungskontexte und (Aus-)Bildungswege von jungen Geflüchteten im Spannungsfeld von Ein- und Ausgrenzung", Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
Title: "Von der beruflichen (Nicht-)Zusammenarbeit und rassistischen Ausschluss im Pflegekontext."
23-24.04.2021 Trinational conference of the DGSA, OGSA, SGSA "European society(ies) between cohesion and division", Landshut University of Applied Sciences
Title: "People with migration experience in (outpatient) care in Eastern Saxony - social work as a means of cohesion in a divided society?
29.03.2021 - Invitation to lecture at the German Red Cross Saarland Regional Association (support for diversity process)
Title: "'I'm actually open-minded, but...' - Between political correctness, resistance and economics: Racism-critical organizational development"
09.12.2020 - Lecture at the TRAWOS Institute, HS Zittau/Görlitz
Title: "'I'm actually open-minded, but...' - On the reconstruction of racist exclusion practices in professional (non-)cooperation with migrantized others"
17-19 September 2020 - 3rd Conference of the Refugee Research Network: Contexts of Flight, Protection and Everyday Life of Refugees at the University of Cologne
Title: Refugees and migrants in the field of care: "So every day is something!" - Between exclusion and integration expectations
13-14.04.2020 - 6th International Conference "Work and Health", FHNW School of Social Work, Olten, Switzerland
Title: Migrants, the care workers of tomorrow? An investigation in eastern Saxony.
24.01.2020 - Center for Integration Studies, TU Dresden:
Title: Practices of Exclusion and Inclusion in Cooperation with Migrants in the Field of Nursing - A Situation Analysis
20.11. - 22.11.2019 - Conference: Free University of Bolzano, Italy: Awakening, Continuity and Change - 20 years of Social Work
Title: Creating a pro-migrant workspace: Social workers as anti-racist agents in care facilities
18.09.2019 - Workshop TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Philosophy, Chair of Intercultural Communication: "I'm not racist, but..." - Phenomena of everyday racism
Title: "I'm actually open-minded, but ..." - On the reconstruction of practices of manifest exclusion and paths to inclusion in professional cooperation with people with a migration background in outpatient care in the East Saxon region.
Ritter, Monique/Jukschat, Nadine (2024). Democracy gambled away?! revisited. Political education at the Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz, 22.05.2024.
Ritter, Monique (2023). TRAWOS research colloquium "Refugees Welcome im ländlichen Raum?" with Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius, Dr. Friederike Enßle-Reinhardt, Hanne Schneider, TRAWOS Institute Görlitz, 30.11.2023.
Gahleitner, Silke B./Häseler, Sarah/Reimer, Julia/Ritter, Monique/Sauer, Stefanie/Schmitt, Rudolf/Taube, Vera (2023). Colloquium for doctoral candidates and those interested in doctoral studies in social work with FH/HAW degree, in cooperation with the DGSA Fachgruppe Promotionsförderung/Promotionskolloquium Berlin, Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin, 28-29.10.2022.
Ritter, Monique/Lohrenscheit, Claudia (2023). Fishbowl 3K conference. Conference of the expert groups "Climate Justice and Socio-Ecological Transformation in Social Work", "International Social Work" and "Flight, Migration, Racism and Anti-Semitism Critique (Migraas)" of the DGSA and the working group "Flight, Agency and Vulnerability" of the Network Flight Research, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main, 29.09.-30.09.2023.
Ritter, Monique/Tunç, Michael (2023). Actively shaping protection against discrimination at universities: Challenges and opportunities. Lecture by Nathalie Schlenzka, Head of Research and Policy Unit, Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, online lecture series Migraas Expert Group, 23.01.2023.
Gahleitner, Silke B./Häseler, Sarah/Reimer, Julia/Ritter, Monique/Sauer, Stefanie/Schmitt, Rudolf/Taube, Vera (2022). Colloquium for doctoral candidates and those interested in doctoral studies in social work with FH/HAW degree, in cooperation with the DGSA Fachgruppe Promotionsförderung/Promotionskolloquium Berlin, Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin, 28-29.10.2022.
Ritter, Monique (2022). Chair and moderation of the panel "Critical Perspectives on the Labor Market Integration of Refugees", Chemnitz University of Technology, 4th Conference of the Network Flight Research, 28-30.09.2022.
Ritter, Monique (2020). Chair and moderation of the panel "Aspekte der Arbeitsmarktintegration geflüchteter Menschen", University of Cologne. 3rd Conference of the Refugee Research Network, 17.-19.09.2020.
Ritter, Monique (2024). Podcast on Dr. Monique Ritter about racism and elderly care in East Germany. MeltingPod - Migration in Dialogue. Available at:
Ritter, Monique (2024). "I'm actually open-minded, but ...". Interview with Fides Schopp. In nd-Journalism from the left. Available at: https: //
Taube, Vera/Ritter, Monique (2023). Doctoral studies in social work - the tension between practice and professorship. Interview with Julia Brechtelsbauer. Available at: