Voluntary Work and Change

Volunteering and Change: Gender- and region-specific problems of civil society involvement in times of structural change (09/2020 - 12/2021)

The challenges facing Lusatia in view of the structural change to be mastered within the next decades are immense. In addition to business development, technological innovations, infrastructural investments and scientific support, the support of actors in the civil and cultural spheres is also required. Jobs alone cannot persuade people to settle/stay in the region, but a livable environment is needed that offers social participation, social inclusion and attractive cultural offerings.

In the transfer of theory and practice, various forms of volunteerism/civic engagement and their functional significance for innovation and social integration in the context of regional structural change are to be examined.

This research project - with a focus on the analysis of gender-specific dimensions of civic engagement - serves to prepare in-depth research in this thematic field.

Project Funding

The project is funded by SMWK (Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism).

The project is co-financed by tax funds based on the budget decided by the members of the Saxon State Parliament.

  • Presentation of the project at the meeting of the state funding project conference on 23.06.2021 (online). You can find the presentation here.


Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Raj Kollmorgen
Project Lead
Prof. Dr. phil. habil.
Raj Kollmorgen
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building G I, Room 2.17
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4259
Member of the Project Team
Susanne Lerche
Institute for Transformation, Housing and Social Spatial Development
02826 Görlitz
Parkstrasse 2
Building G VII, Room 304
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4289

The project in the FIS (Research Information System of the HSZG)