Anja Mutschler is a trained political scientist and art historian. She studied in Freiburg/Brsg., Leipzig and at the Sciences Politiques in Paris. She graduated in 2004 as Magistra Artium with a thesis on the modern architect Le Corbusier between political aesthetics and aesthetic politics. After working in journalism and PR, she founded the scientific research institute NIMIRUM in 2011, now 20blue Projekt GmbH, where she provides scientific advice to organizations from politics and business with the help of a network of experts. One of her motivations was to increase the impact of social science and humanities research in business decisions. Over time, the projects changed from operational to strategic issues. With the risks and opportunities of a transdisciplinary innovation regime in mind, she applied for the position in the InnovaGEIST project in 2024. In a lecture at the Medientage Mitteldeutschland this year, she shed light on how the media deals with the AfD in her honorary position in the German Journalists' Association of Saxony.